ODA to develop STEP SDK

July 15, 2021 Randall 0

The Open Design Alliance (ODA) has started work on a new Software Development Kit (SDK) to bring STEP compatibility to its members, who comprise most engineering software companies. STEP is […]

ODA conference goes virtual

August 13, 2020 Randall 0

Open Design Alliance (ODA) is moving its annual CAD development conference to the Web. ODA DevCon 2020 Virtual Edition will be September 8, 9 and 10. The conference usually meets in […]

Why 2D CAD is still important

October 24, 2017 Randall 0

3D is modeling, best for design, analysis, and product definition. 2D is drafting, best for fabrication, assembly, and construction. Cost differences are substantial. For as long as CAD has been […]