Dyndrite 3D print prep to support HP MultiJet Fusion 

A 3D printing build preparation showing a nesting plan, created in seconds for HP MultiJet Fusion, in Dyndrite for MFJ. (Image courtesy Dyndrite)

Additive manufacturing print preparation software vendor Dyndrite announces it will support HP MultiJet Fusion and Metal Jet Printers. The company says Dyndrite for MFJ, now in beta testing, will bring “powerful new serial production features” including automated build preparation from both mesh files and native CAD data models. 

Dyndrite for MJF is built upon Dyndrite’s Accelerated Computation Engine (ACE). The company says ACE applied to pre-processing data for the HP printers offers a variety of wanted features, including working with multi-gigabyte files; fine tuning of advanced 2D and 3D nesting capabilities; part serialization; QR code labels applied to parts; and scripting to create automated build prep. 

“From the outset Dyndrite’s goal has been to usher in a new era of serial production in AM,” said Stephen Anderson, Strategic Relations, Dyndrite. “Our direct support for HP Multi Jet Fusion and Metal Jet now avails the most production oriented users in AM with software capable of accelerating their production capabilities and throughput.”

Dyndrite’s ACE takes advantage of GPU technology to increase the speed of print preparation. Other features in ACE that will be in Dyndrite for MJF include native machine connectivity and full HP file plug-in support. The company also notes Dyndrite’s native Python application programming interface (AP) enables data integration “with a wide range of databases and third-party apps, including AMFG, to improve part ordering, job submission, and reporting.”

Dyndrite says the nesting features in Dyndrite for MJF will offer “industry first controls over part rotation angles, part interlocking, part spacing, and subvolumes, resulting in best-in-class packing density.” 

HP 3D printer customers interested in experiencing Dyndrite for MJF can join the Dyndrite Early Adopter Program to receive advance information and early access to software for testing and production use. Interested parties can sign up here.

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